Colchester Spiritualist Centre


What we do

Our mission is to keep the Centre open, with a variety of attractive activities and events, so that many more people can hear the message from Spirit, usually from their departed loved-ones, that life is eternal, love never ends.

Our main weekly service is every Thursday at 7.30pm when we have prayers, healing for all, some music, a reading, an address and then around an hour of mediumship or clairvoyance from an invited medium. We ask you for a donation as you come in to help us pay the electricity and all the other bills, please! Everyone is welcome, whether you’ve been before or not, whether you are religious or not and even if you’re just curious.

We also have special events of various sorts, to which you are invited, see our EVENTS PAGE.

On Monday evenings at 7.30pm we have our Open (or development) Circle, led by excellent medium Margaret Hodge, which is absolutely open to anyone who wants to find out about spiritual abilities, perhaps working to develop mediumship skills.
